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Vue.js Cheat Sheet


Install Node.js

Create Application

npm init vue@latest

Answer the scaffolding setup prompts:

  1. Project name: … <your-project-name>
  2. Add TypeScript? … No / Yes
  3. Add JSX Support? … No / Yes
  4. Add Vue Router for Single Page Application development? … No / Yes
  5. Add Pinia for state management? … No / Yes
  6. Add Vitest for Unit testing? … No / Yes
  7. Add Cypress for both Unit and End-to-End testing? … No / Yes
  8. Add ESLint for code quality? … No / Yes
  9. Add Prettier for code formatting? … No / Yes

Install Dependencies / Run Application

cd <your-project-name>
npm install
npm run dev

Build For Production

npm run build
vuejs_cheat_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/14 13:09 by jimc