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Making Colors in a GIF Transparent

(Assumes you are using GIMP)

  1. Open your image in GIMP.
  2. Right click the image and go to LAYERS then ADD ALPHA CHANNEL. You won’t notice anything happening, but don’t be concerned. It basically adds a transparent layer at the bottom of your image so when we erase the colors… shows the transparent layer. Which of course would show whatever was under it on the screen.
  3. Right-click on the image again and go to SELECT and then down to BY COLOR. A window that is all black opens up. Don’t change any of the settings….just use the defaults for now.
  4. Now click on the color in the image you want to be transparent. These colors will now show up outlined.
  5. Right-click on the image again and go to EDIT and then down to CLEAR. This should now erase the outlined color you just picked from the image and the “transparent gimp checkerbox” should show through. This is the Gimp’s way of showing you that section is now transparent.
  6. Right click on the image and choose SAVE AS and make sure to save as a GIF file if you want the transparency to work on the web.
making_colors_in_a_gif_transparent.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/31 18:38 by