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Flash Disk Image to SD Card

These instructions are specific to Linux.

Download the image or zip file from a mirror or torrent.

Open a terminal session in the folder where you downloaded the image.

If it's a zip file, extract the image file:

unzip <filename>.zip

Run df to see which devices are currently mounted:

df -h

Insert the SD card.

Run df again. The new device is your card. It will probably be something like “/dev/sdc1”. The last part (e.g. “1”) is the partition number, while the first part (e.g. “/dev/sdc”) is the actual device name. Note that multiple partitions of the device may be mounted separately, so you may see multiple entries like “/dev/sdc1”, “/dev/sdc2”, etc.

Unmount all partitions, e.g.:

umount /dev/sdc1
umount /dev/sdc2

Write the image file to the device as follows. (Make sure you use the device name, not the partition, and make sure the device name matches what you found in the df check above.)

It is absolutely critical that you use the correct device name in this step. Using the wrong name can result in you wiping out the wrong drive!

sudo dd bs=4M status=progress if=<filename>.img of=/dev/sdc

A block size of 4M usually works, but if you have trouble, you should try 1M. Keep in mind that using a block size of 1M will take longer to write the image.

After the dd command finishes, flush the cache to ensure that all data is written:

sudo sync

Remove the SD card.

flash_disk_image_to_sd_card.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/31 18:38 by